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EUD:n yleiskokous

On 16 May, this is one of the historical moment for the EUD. It is our 30th General Assembly. Back in 1985, the British Deaf Association invited the first ad-hoc meeting of National Associations of the Deaf based in the European Economic Community, held in London on 6-7 March 1985, under the auspices of World Federation of the Deaf and partly funded by the European Economic Community. 10 European countries attended this meeting, which led to the establishment of European Community Regional Secretariat. Since that year, EUD is now 30 years old.

The topics on the agenda today were focussing on the finance report of 2014 and there were a long discussion regarding the membership fee proposal. We all are trying to figure out a way to produce a fair fee for each deaf association across the Europe. Their current situations differs hence the long discussion but were very positive about the further proposals.

Kaikki vuosien 2022-2026 julkaisut ovat Euroopan komission Kansalaiset, tasa-arvo, oikeudet ja arvot (CERV) -ohjelman yhteisrahoittamia ja tuottamia.

Esitetyt näkemykset ja mielipiteet ovat kuitenkin vain kirjoittajan (kirjoittajien) omia eivätkä välttämättä vastaa Euroopan unionin tai Euroopan komission CERV-ohjelman näkemyksiä ja mielipiteitä. Euroopan unioni tai tuen myöntävä viranomainen eivät ole vastuussa niistä.

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Aiheeseen liittyvät artikkelit

UNCRPD:n 10. istunto, Geneve

Muita linkkejä ja lukemista: UNCRPD-komitea:http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CRPD/Pages/Session10.aspx UNCRPD Full Text:http://www.un.org/disabilities/documents/convention/convoptprot-e.pdf UNCRPD International Sign Version WFD:http://wfdeaf.org/human-rights/crpd Live.

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