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Insign Event – 9 April 2014


We will have an exciting Insign event taking place on 9 April 2014 at the European Parliament in Brussels. What is Insign? It is a 12 month pilot project, commissioned by the Directorate General for Justice of the European Commission, to improve the communication between deaf and hard of hearing (HoH) persons and the EU institutions.

The overall objective of the Insign project is to create a web based platform based on the concept of Total Conversation, that will deliver a comprehensive communication experience: sign language voice, video, and Real Time Text.

It is an opportunity to learn how it works and you will get a chance to check it out and be able to get in touch with an MEP.

At the same time we will publish a new book, which will mark the start of a new series regarding the implementation of the UNCRPD in view of sign language users. Each book focusses on one article, with the first one exploring the right to political and public participation.

Please take a look at our website regarding the programme and the registration.

Please note that you must bear your own costs for travel and accommodation. If you want to register please send the following information to [email protected] before 31 March 2014:

– Name
– Surname
– Date of birth
– Nationality
– ID or passport number

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Súvisiace články

10. zasadnutie UNCRPD, Ženeva

Ďalšie odkazy a čítanie: UNCRPD Committee: UNCRPD Full Text: UNCRPD International Sign Version WFD: Live

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