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Ден на Европа


Happy Europe Day!

Today, 9 May 2012 is the Europe Day in the European Union (EU). Europe Day is an annual celebration of peace and unity in Europe. The day is also known as Schuman Day, commemorating the historical declaration by former French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman.

On 9 May 1950, Robert Schuman presented his proposal on the creation of an organised Europe, indispensable to the maintenance of peaceful relations. This proposal, known as the “Schuman Declaration”, is considered to be the beginning of the creation of what is now the EU.

Today, 9 May has become a European symbol which, along with the flag, the anthem, the motto, and the euro, identifies the political entity of the EU.

Europe Day is the occasion for activities and festivities that bring Europe closer to its citizens and peoples of the Union closer to one another.

European Institutions will open their doors to its citizens on 12 May. EUD wishes you a happy Europe Day and invites you to visit the Open Days тук.

Всички публикации за периода 2022-2026 г. са съфинансирани и изготвени в рамките на програмата на Европейската комисия "Граждани, равенство, права и ценности" (CERV).

Изразените възгледи и мнения обаче са единствено на автора(ите) и не отразяват непременно тези на Европейския съюз или на програмата CERV на Европейската комисия. Нито Европейският съюз, нито предоставящият орган могат да бъдат държани отговорни за тях.

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