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Приемът на китайската нова година в DigitALL 2019 на Huawei

Huawei's DigitALL 2019 Chinese New Year Reception

On the 7th of February, Huawei, provider of information and communications technology (ICT), hosted the annual Chinese New Year reception in Brussels, during which the panel discussion entitled DigitALL took place. EUD Executive Director Mark Wheatley was invited as a keynote speaker to present an app developed by Huawei – StorySign.

The panel discussion was opened by Abraham Liu, Chief Representative of Huawei to the EU Institutions, who spoke about the investments made by Huawei in the last 18 years in the field of technology, research & development and Huawei’s commitment to create an inclusive digital world.

Walter Ji, President of Huawei’s Consumer Business Group, presented StorySign, a free app that runs on Artificial Intelligence and translates popular children’s books into sign language. The app aims at improving literacy skills of deaf children and is available in ten EU Member States and in eleven sign languages.

EUD Executive Director, Mark Wheatley, took the floor to present the positive impact of StorySign app for deaf children. Mark Wheatley highlighted that the app plays a big role in helping parents read stories with their deaf children. It does not only help deaf children learn how to read and enjoy it, but also helps parents learn how to sign.

The event was closed with the performance of Cabra Deaf Choir from Ireland.

EUD is excited to see that Huawei is committed to continue developing StorySign – an app holds a great deal of potential.

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