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Интервю със заместник-председателя Рединг

EUD is proud to present this exclusive interview with the Vice-President of the European Commission, Viviane Reding. EUD Executive Director, Mark Wheatley interviews Viviane Reding who is also the EU Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship. She has been a member of the European Commission since 1999 and she is one of the most important supporters to the Deaf community in Europe.

Viviane Reding answered questions from Mark Wheatley about her personal motivation to support the Deaf community and sign language in Europe, her view on the recoginition of sign language in her home country, Luxembourg, and her vision of a better Europe for sign language users.  

For more information Vice-President Viviane Reding, please go to her website тук.

International Sign Interpreter: Maya de Wit, the Netherlands.

German subtitles of this interview can be found here.

Всички публикации за периода 2022-2026 г. са съфинансирани и изготвени в рамките на програмата на Европейската комисия "Граждани, равенство, права и ценности" (CERV).

Изразените възгледи и мнения обаче са единствено на автора(ите) и не отразяват непременно тези на Европейския съюз или на програмата CERV на Европейската комисия. Нито Европейският съюз, нито предоставящият орган могат да бъдат държани отговорни за тях.

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