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Debat om Europa-Parlamentets vedtagelse af den europæiske lov om tilgængelighed

Debate of the adoption process of the European Accessibility Act by the European Parliament

In the framework of the adoption process of the European Accessibility Act by the European Parliament, its Employment and Social Affairs committee organised a debate on 1st of September on this topic. EUD was present and listened to the presentation of representatives of the European Commission about the act and the important potential impact it will have on the EU economy as well as its citizens, if it is adopted and fully implemented. MEP Ádám Kósa, who is the rapporteur for this file within the committee, took the floor, among others, pointing out that creating an accessible society is not only crucial for persons with disabilities, but for the European society as a whole. MEP Helga Stevens also reminded the audience that almost all EU member states signed and ratified the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities (UN CRPD), which contains a commitment to accessibility in article 9. Having signed and ratified the UN CRPD of this, they are obliged to implement it, which involves working towards accessibility.

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