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Døve personers adgang til arbejdsmarkedet i Den Europæiske Union


On the 7th of March at 11:00 CET EUD hosted a webinar to discuss labour market access for deaf persons in the EU.

During the webinar organisations such as the European Disability Forum, the World Federation of the Deaf and the International Labour Organisation presented how to ensure that an open labour market is fully inclusive and leaves no one behind.

This webinar also promoted the European Union of the Deaf’s survey focusing on collecting statistical data relating to barriers faced by deaf persons accessing the labour market in the EU. The information as the result of the study will be used in the European Union of the Deaf’s Policy Recommendations on ensuring an accessible and inclusive labour market for deaf persons in the European Union. This webinar is available in International Sign and spoken English. The webinar also provided live captioning in English.

Alle publikationer fra 2022-2026 er medfinansieret af og produceret under Europa-Kommissionens program for borgere, lighed, rettigheder og værdier (CERV).

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