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EUD-Workshop in Bukarest, Rumänien

EUD workshop in Bucharest, Romania

Today, the 16th of May, all of the EUD Board members and staff arrive to Bucharest, Romania to have EUD’s General Assembly. The delegates are being gathered to attend EUD’s workshop where the delegates will be briefed on EUD’s work leading to the GA on the 18th of May.

The briefings focused on 3 areas, firstly on the ‘European Accessibility Act and links to other EU Accessibility Legislations’. Executive Director, Mark Wheatley was leading the session detailing the legalisation. 

The second topic was on “Revised Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD)”and was led by EUD’s Policy Assistant, Frankie Picron. He was given the chance to give a conclusive report from EUD’s perspective.

The final topic introduced was “European Electronic Communications Code (EECC)” and it was explained by EUD Policy Officer, Martyna Balčiūnaitė. The briefing demonstrated the difference from the EAA, AVMSD and EECC which EUD urges to focus on 3 areas for this year. 

The delegates were engaged in the discussions for all three topics and were well prepared for the General Assembly upcoming this Saturday.

Alle Veröffentlichungen von 2022 bis 2026 werden im Rahmen des Programms Bürger, Gleichstellung, Rechte und Werte (CERV) der Europäischen Kommission kofinanziert und erstellt.

Die geäußerten Ansichten und Meinungen sind jedoch ausschließlich die des Autors/der Autoren und spiegeln nicht unbedingt die der Europäischen Union oder des CERV-Programms der Europäischen Kommission wider. Weder die Europäische Union noch die Bewilligungsbehörde können für sie verantwortlich gemacht werden.

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