Nichts über uns ohne uns.

Nichts über uns ohne uns.

  • Kontakt

Bericht des Europäischen Parlaments vom 5. September


Hello from the EU Parliament! We are currently observing and taking notes regarding two different issues: women with disabilities and a shale gas conference. 

There is a particular focus on discrimination of women who are disabled (intersectionality). MEP Angelika Werthmann (Austria, ALDE) initiated this report (2013/2065(INI)). 

The European Parliament has several standing Committees to divide the workload among the many different MEPs. For this report the main Committee is the FEMM (Women’s Rights and Gender Equality) Committee.

During the process, the report is submitted by an MEP, and each MEP in the Committee can submit amendments, which they were able to discuss on Tuesday. MEP Rosa Estaràs Ferragut (Spain, EPP) pointed out that the report should not only focus on buildings but also on digital content to ensure the accessibility is up to standard.

MEP Ádám Kósa (Hungary, EPP) is the rapporteur in the EMPL (Employment and Social Affairs Committee), backing the report and pushing it forward.

How does it work? Once the amendments are approved in FEMM, they will be voted on in plenary (Strasbourg) and then passed to Commission.

Commission can decide on whether to initiate legislation but EUD will continue lobbying to ensure this will be made into law as soon as possible.

Now we are at the European Free Alliance/Green Party conference. As you can see there are International Sign interpreters and it is also being live streamed and live captioned. This was done after successful lobbying of EUD in the past months. It means that Deaf people have access to the concerns of the future generation regarding shale gas, and ensuring they are able to contribute to this debate.
Draft report women with disabilities:

European Free Alliance/Green Party conference:

Alle Veröffentlichungen von 2022 bis 2026 werden im Rahmen des Programms Bürger, Gleichstellung, Rechte und Werte (CERV) der Europäischen Kommission kofinanziert und erstellt.

Die geäußerten Ansichten und Meinungen sind jedoch ausschließlich die des Autors/der Autoren und spiegeln nicht unbedingt die der Europäischen Union oder des CERV-Programms der Europäischen Kommission wider. Weder die Europäische Union noch die Bewilligungsbehörde können für sie verantwortlich gemacht werden.

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