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Schulung zur Berichterstattung an den UN-Ausschuss für die Beseitigung der Diskriminierung der Frau (CEDAW-Ausschuss)

Logo of European Disability Forum

Am of September EUD attended virtual training on reporting to the United Nations Committee on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (UN CEDAW Committee), which was organised by the European Disability Forum (EDF). During the training EUD had an opportunity to learn about the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (UN CEDAW) and its importance for women and girls with disabilities. We also explored how to engage with the UN CEDAW Committee and learned from experiences of organisations that have already reported to the UN CEDAW Committee.

The United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women is an international human rights treaty that aims at advancing the rights of women. It is now ratified by 189 countries, including all countries of the European Union. In addition to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD), the UN CEDAW is a crucial legal instrument that must be used to defend the rights of women and girls with disabilities. 

Reporting on the situation of women and girls with disabilities to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women is often unexplored opportunity of organisations of women with disabilities, organisations of persons with disabilities and women’s organisations. During the training it was highlighted that until now, the UN CEDAW Committee has received limited information on women and girls with disabilities.

After receiving a training from the UN CEDAW Committee Member Ana Peláez Narváez and learning from the experiences of other organisations, EUD is now aiming at starting to engage with the UN CEDAW Committee and encouraging and supporting EUD members’ engagement with the UN CEDAW Committee.

Alle Veröffentlichungen von 2022 bis 2026 werden im Rahmen des Programms Bürger, Gleichstellung, Rechte und Werte (CERV) der Europäischen Kommission kofinanziert und erstellt.

Die geäußerten Ansichten und Meinungen sind jedoch ausschließlich die des Autors/der Autoren und spiegeln nicht unbedingt die der Europäischen Union oder des CERV-Programms der Europäischen Kommission wider. Weder die Europäische Union noch die Bewilligungsbehörde können für sie verantwortlich gemacht werden.

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