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International Disability Alliance’s Facebook live on the COVID-19 pandemic

International Disability Alliance

On the 6th of April EUD followed the Facebook live on the COVID-19 organised by the International Disability Alliance (IDA). The event was opened by Vladimir Cuk, Executive Director of IDA. It was highlighted that during the pandemic persons with disabilities face barriers more than ever. Many and various barriers exist while accessing information or healthcare services and assistance.

Catherine Naughton, Executive Director of the European Disability Forum (EDF), expressed the concerns regarding the fact that, in some countries, medical guidelines for the COVID 19 pandemic are discriminating against persons with disabilities.

Regarding this matter, the European Disability Forum drafted an open letter in which EDF explained that it understands, that in some countries, healthcare systems and the professionals will not be able to provide the same level of care to everyone due to lack of equipment and underfunding of the healthcare sector. However, EDF emphasised that medical guidelines for these situations need to ensure that persons with disabilities are not discriminated against.

EUD fully supports the European Disability Forum which called the World Health Organization and other health authorities to create non-discriminatory ethical guidelines to be followed by healthcare professionals.

International Disability Alliance organises the Facebook lives regularly. If you are interested see the link bellow for more information:

Todas las publicaciones de 2022 - 2026 están cofinanciadas y producidas por el Programa Ciudadanos, Igualdad, Derechos y Valores (CERV) de la Comisión Europea.

No obstante, las opiniones y puntos de vista expresados son exclusivamente los del autor o autores y no reflejan necesariamente los de la Unión Europea ni los del Programa CERV de la Comisión Europea. Ni la Unión Europea ni la autoridad que concede la subvención pueden ser consideradas responsables de las mismas.

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