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Seminario conjunto EUD y DDL


Joint Seminar European Union of the Deaf & Danish Deaf Association

Deaf Elderly Citizens – an Asset, not a Burden

Date: 18th May 2012

Venue: Ingeniørforeningens Hus, Kalvebod Brygge 31-33, 1780 København V

Languages: Danish Sign Language, International Sign, and English (velotype & spoken)

09:00 Arrival and Registration

09:30 Welcome and opening speeches 
President of the Danish Deaf Association: Janne Boye Niemelä
President of the European Union of the Deaf: Berglind Stefánsdóttir
Member of European Parliament and President of Disability Intergroup: Dr Ádám Kósa
Minister of Employment at the Danish Parliament: Mette Frederiksen (TBC)

: Former President of DDL and EUD: Knud Søndergaard

10:15 The young elderly of the future
Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies. Futurist: Niels Bøttger-Rasmussen

11:00 Break

11:30 EUD survey on Active Ageing and the Deaf Community: Official Results
EUD Policy Officer: Annika Pabsch

12:00 How do we keep elderly Deaf people active?
Director of Gelderhorst (residential home for Dutch Deaf elderly people): Jan Tempelaar

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Active ageing and the Europe 2020 strategy – A European Parliament perspective
Hungarian Candidate for UNCRPD Committee: Laszlo Gabor Lovaszy, PhD Law

14:00 The rights of the Deaf and elderly – A UNCRPD perspective
Vice President of Danish Deaf Association: Helena Gade

14:30 Break

15:00 Counselling for elderly Deaf people
Counsellors for the Danish Deaf Elderly Citizens: Mette Washuus y Josephine Anker

15:30 The Deaf and elderly: An asset not a burden! 
Former EUD Director and EDF President: Johan Wesemann

16:00 Summary & Conclusion
Janne Boye Niemelä y Berglind Stefánsdóttir

16:30 Close

To register to attend the Seminar, please email [email protected] stating your name, address, and organisation by 18th April 2012. DDL will confirm the payment and registration details.

(Official EUD Delegates do not have to register)

Download the official programme (PDF file) here.

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