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Meet your MEP: Emer Costello

In this month’s ‘Meet your MEP’, EUD Communication & Media Officer Lars Knudsen interviews MEP Emer Costello from Ireland. She is a member of Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament. She is also member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs at the European Parliament.

MEP Costello answered questions from Lars Knudsen about employment issues in the EU and the Irish EU-Presidency.

For more information about MEP Costello, please go to her sitio.

International Sign Interpreter: Lissa Zeviar, the Netherlands.

Todas las publicaciones de 2022 - 2026 están cofinanciadas y producidas por el Programa Ciudadanos, Igualdad, Derechos y Valores (CERV) de la Comisión Europea.

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