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Euroopan parlamentin mietintö UNCRPD-komitean loppuhuomautuksista.

Today we are in the European Parliament and the meeting of the Committee for Employment and Social Affairs to follow the discussions of the European Parliament’s report on the Concluding Observations from the UNCRPD Committee. It is MEP Helga Stevens who is responsible for the report and on the current draft it is possible for other MEPs to make comments and proposed amendments until the end of March.

It was an interesting discussion with many MEPs from different political groups complementing that the European Parliament will make a report on this important issue. Many MEPs mentioned that it is important that the European Parliament make a strong position on this since it is unique that the EU has ratified a UN Convention. Some MEPs mentioned that it is important that the Commission’s current review of the European Disability strategy includes the UNCRPD in a new draft of the Strategy. Some MEPs also mentioned the European Accessibility Act and its great potential but raised their concerns regarding the ongoing discussions in the Council where some changes could result in less accessibility for millions of Europeans.  

In the end of April, the Committee for Employment and Social Affairs will discuss the report again and the European Parliament will vote on the report in plenary in Strasbourg in the beginning of July.

Kaikki vuosien 2022-2026 julkaisut ovat Euroopan komission Kansalaiset, tasa-arvo, oikeudet ja arvot (CERV) -ohjelman yhteisrahoittamia ja tuottamia.

Esitetyt näkemykset ja mielipiteet ovat kuitenkin vain kirjoittajan (kirjoittajien) omia eivätkä välttämättä vastaa Euroopan unionin tai Euroopan komission CERV-ohjelman näkemyksiä ja mielipiteitä. Euroopan unioni tai tuen myöntävä viranomainen eivät ole vastuussa niistä.

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