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NEXESin kansainvälinen loppuseminaari Izmirissä, Turkki

NEXES Final International Workshop in Izmir, Turkey

The NEXt generation Emergency Services (NEXES) Consortium held the NEXES Final International Workshop at the Dokuz Eylul University Distance Learning and Research Centre in Izmir, Turkey, on March 22nd – 23rd 2018.

The NEXES Consortium is responsible for implementing the NEXES Action, a research and innovation project co-funded by the European Union under the aegis of the 2020 Horizon programme. Since May 2015, the seventeen NEXES partners have conducted the research, testing and validation of the integration of IP-based communication technologies and interoperability capabilities to emergency services, so that they attain increased effectiveness and performance and become next generation emergency services.

At the NEXES Final International Workshop, the NEXES Consortium successfully presented the 3-year project results and main achievements, as well as promoted a pilot activity, demonstrating the new advanced next generation capabilities at the service of emergency services and citizens. This event gathered more than 100 participants, representing the European Union, Governmental and public authorities, law enforcement, fire brigades and medical services, civil protection, civil society entities, non-governmental organisations and academia.

Kaikki vuosien 2022-2026 julkaisut ovat Euroopan komission Kansalaiset, tasa-arvo, oikeudet ja arvot (CERV) -ohjelman yhteisrahoittamia ja tuottamia.

Esitetyt näkemykset ja mielipiteet ovat kuitenkin vain kirjoittajan (kirjoittajien) omia eivätkä välttämättä vastaa Euroopan unionin tai Euroopan komission CERV-ohjelman näkemyksiä ja mielipiteitä. Euroopan unioni tai tuen myöntävä viranomainen eivät ole vastuussa niistä.

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