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Réunion du groupe de travail sur l'accessibilité

Last weekend EUD hosted an Accessibility Working Group Meeting here at the Brussels office. The group discussed the extensive topic of culture and cultural rights. Representatives shared ideas on enhancing this aspect of life that has a direct impact of the quality of life for all Deaf citizens.

One of the highlights included Eric Lawrin presenting on Accessibility of Culture in France whereby museums employ deaf tour guides to discuss exhibitions in sign language specifically for deaf audiences.

The European Accessibility Act which is currently being drafted by the European Commission, was also discussed. This is a matter that will be at the forefront of discussions in coming months. The very purpose and mandate of the Working Group is to provide guidance to EUD on all matters relating to accessibility. EUD will then direct feedback to the European Commission during the formulation of the European Accessibility Act.

The Accessibility Working Group meets in Brussels once a year for one weekend. Currently there are 5 members in the Working Group. Asger Bergmann, EUD Board Member is the chair of this Working Group.

Click here for more information about the Accessibility Working Group. 

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