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Board Meeting and Seminar in Granada, Spain

The first quarterly Board Meeting took place in Granada, Spain. EUD Board members took the opportunity to review the EUD’s work in 2015 and to draw up the plans for the 2016 work programme.

We had the honour to meet the Mayor of Granada during our visit and exchanged our knowledge in relation to services for the deaf. During the trip, there was a milestone achievement, it was the Granada Association of the Deaf’s 50 year anniversary. We attended the community’s festivities in the evening. Lastly, the EUD seminar took place on the morning of 20 February to engage with the deaf community in the Andalusia region, the outcome were very positive with attendance of 300 delegates.

Liens : 

Deaf Association of Granada(ASOGRA)

Andalusian Federation of the Deaf (FAAS)

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