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Réunion du conseil d'administration et séminaire à Helsinki, Finlande

Board meeting and Seminar in Helsinki, Finland

The Finnish Association of the Deaf warmly welcomed the EUD Board and staff last weekend. EUD holds its quarterly Board meetings in different locations across the EU to liaise and increase co-operation with its members. The third Board meeting of 2019 took place in Finland as it currently holds the EU Presidency.

The Finnish Association of the Deaf organised a meeting together with the Finnish Ministry of Justice to gather information regarding the Finnish government’s new programme for the EU presidency.

The EUD Board members and staff gave a seminar in the Light House where the Finnish Association of the Deaf is established in order to introduce EUD’s work to the Finnish Deaf community. EUD’s interactive presentation explained EUD’s structure, its members, as well as its vision for achieving equality in public and private life for Deaf sign language users. We were able to showcase our work from 2018 and to explain in depth the history of EUD.

The audience were given the opportunity to ask questions, with the questions varying from inquiring about sign language interpreter services, legislation, and education. The Board members were able to respond and engage in the discussions.
The EUD Board meeting discussed important updates from the last few months, such as upcoming projects and several debriefs from each board regarding their representative work. The Board meetings play an important role in the European-wide co-operation of Deaf communities and, along with the General Assembly, are the cornerstones of EUD’s democratic structure.

Toutes les publications de 2022 à 2026 sont cofinancées et produites dans le cadre du programme "Citoyens, égalité, droits et valeurs" (CERV) de la Commission européenne.

Les points de vue et opinions exprimés n'engagent toutefois que les auteurs et ne reflètent pas nécessairement ceux de l'Union européenne ou du programme CERV de la Commission européenne. Ni l'Union européenne ni l'autorité subventionnaire ne peuvent en être tenues pour responsables.

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