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Première réunion du conseil d'administration de l'EUD en 2019 à Nicosie (Chypre)

EUD's first board meeting of 2019 in Nicosia, Cyprus

On the 8th of March, the first EUD board meeting of 2019 took place in Nicosia Cyprus. During the 4-day-stay the EUD board had the opportunity to discuss in depth Huawei’s donation of 500,000 USD for the EUD. Moreover, EUD board members discussed the agenda for EUD’s General Assembly which will take place in Bucharest, Romania in May this year.

EUD met with the President of Cyprus Deaf Federation, Andreas Constantinou and had a chance to discuss the future collaboration between the national deaf association in Cyprus and EUD.

On the 9th of March, the seminar took place in Nicosia, Cyprus during which the EUD board presented the work of EUD. Moreover, the members of the local deaf community of Cyprus were given the opportunity to interact with the EUD board members during the discussion about the employment and pensions. The event was well received with 100 persons attending.

We want to express our sincere appreciation for the Cyprus Deaf Federation for hosting us and for their warm hospitality during our stay in Nicosia, Cyprus.

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