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Meeting with the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD)

On the 4th of March EUD met with the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD). During the meeting EUD and WFD discussed the current work, future plans and opportunities for stronger cooperation. For EUD it was also an opportunity to meet the newly appointed WFD Executive Director Ms Pamela Molina.

During the meeting, EUD and WFD updated each other with the current priorities and challenges. EUD highlighted that it is important to join forces when advocating for more and better accessibility at the United Nations (UN) and ensure that deaf persons have an equal access to the events and meetings where the relevant topics such as the Sustainable Development Goals are being discussed. EUD and WFD also decided to submit joint written submission to the UN CRPD Committee on the outline of the General Comment on the Article 27 UN CRPD.

The meeting was an excellent opportunity to exchange with ideas on how to work closer together and update each other with the current priorities. Also we have discussed about EUD’s current projects especially on the JUSTISIGNS2 project. EUD is looking forward to working together with WFD in the future.

Toutes les publications de 2022 à 2026 sont cofinancées et produites dans le cadre du programme "Citoyens, égalité, droits et valeurs" (CERV) de la Commission européenne.

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