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UD General Assembly`s summary

Today`s the last day of the EUD General Assembly. The National Association of the Deaf delegates participated to celebrate 95 years anniversary of Latvian Association of the Deaf. It was a great opportunity to learn more about the Latvian culture and Latvian sign language (Latviešu Zīmju Valoda).

MEP Ádám Kósa and MEP Helga Stevens have announced their plans for the EUD 30 years anniversary in Brussels later in November. We, the EUD will be working closely with MEP Ádám Kósa and MEP Helga Stevens to ensure a memorable event for the national associations of the deaf across the Europe.

We would like to share our appreciation for Latvian Association of the Deaf (Latvijas Nedzirdīgo savienība (LNS))`s hospitality for the EUD General Assembly.

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