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Semmi sincs rólunk nélkülünk.

  • Kapcsolat

Az EUD igazgatótanácsának ülése Prágában, a Cseh Köztársaságban

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

From the 8th to the 10th of June, EUD had its first board meeting of 2018, which took place in Prague, the Czech Republic. The meeting gave the board members an opportunity to review the work plan of 2018, and plan for the 4 year work programme 2018 to 2022. 

We also celebrated the 150 year milestone of the Prague Association of the deaf by having a conference on the 8th of June titled, ‘How to prepare Deaf people for the future?’. The conference was organised by the Czech National Association of the Deaf (SNNČR), Czech National Association of the Deaf Youth (CDY), European Union of the Deaf Youth (EUDY) and the European Union of the Deaf (EUD). We were overwhelmed by the euthanistic and motivated audience. We felt the outcome of the conference were a successful one. We, EUD, are very grateful for the cooperation of the four organisations and for the time they have given to make this happen for the local deaf community. 

On the 9th of June, we gave a workshop in collaboration with EUDY about our joint experiences of what is means to be on the board of ENGO to the local deaf community. 

Once again, we would like to share our appreciation for Czech National Association of the Deaf (SNNČR), Czech National Association of the Deaf Youth (CDY) and European Union of the Deaf Youth (EUDY) for their commitment and the workforce.

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

EUD Board meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic

A 2022 és 2026 közötti összes kiadványt az Európai Bizottság Polgárok, egyenlőség, jogok és értékek (CERV) programja társfinanszírozza, és annak keretében készül.

A kifejtett nézetek és vélemények azonban kizárólag a szerző(k) sajátjai, és nem feltétlenül tükrözik az Európai Unió vagy az Európai Bizottság CERV programjának nézeteit és véleményét. Ezekért sem az Európai Unió, sem a támogatást nyújtó hatóság nem tehető felelőssé.

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EUD Workshop 2013

Az EUD éves munkaértekezletén több mint 50 küldött vett részt az EUD különböző tagországaiból, és a következő témákra összpontosított

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