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Internetinis seminaras apie persvarstytos Garso ir vaizdo žiniasklaidos paslaugų direktyvos perkėlimą į nacionalinę teisę

A screenshot of the EDF's webinar

Dėl 6th of February EUD followed the webinar on the transposition of the revised Audio-Visual Media Services Directive (AVMSD). The webinar was organised by the European Disability Forum (EDF) with the participation of the European Commission (DG CONNECT).

The revised AVMSD was adopted and is in force since the 19th of December 2018. The EU Member States have until the 19th of September 2020 to transpose the revised AVMS Directive into their respective domestic laws.

During her presentation the representative from the European Commission explained the roles of the monitoring and enforcement mechanisms, including the role of the European Regulators Group for Audio-visual Media Services (ERGA). The main challenges during the period of transposition, such as guaranteeing a consistent approach across the EU and avoiding fragmentation of the internal market, were also presented.

During the presentation made by the representative from the European Disability Forum, EUD learned how to better support its members during their advocacy for an ambitious transposition of the revised AVMSD at the national level, especially regarding the renewed Article 7 , which is the main article that aims at ensuring accessibility of the audiovisual media services for persons with disabilities.

It was presented that national regulators should set specific targets stating what percentage of audiovisual content should be made accessible: that is, percentage of content with access services.

They should also set quantitative targets linked to clear timelines. For example, what percentage of content should have subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing in one year, two years, and so on, after national law comes into force. EUD will use this information to continue informing its members how to coordinate the advocacy at the national level.

EUD dėkoja EDF už internetinio seminaro organizavimą.

You can access the recording of the webinar here:

EDF’s Audiovisual Media Services Directive – Toolkit for transposition in International Sign:

Visi 2022-2026 m. leidiniai bendrai finansuojami ir rengiami pagal Europos Komisijos programą "Piliečiai, lygybė, teisės ir vertybės" (CERV).

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