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Seminaras apie įtraukiantį nelaimių rizikos mažinimą


On the 17 May 2017, the European Disability Forum organised a workshop in cooperation with CBM and UNISDR in Brussels. EUD was present to share our experience from the NEXES project.

EDF members were there to :

– Share experiences and different perspectives on inclusive DRR on a European level through presentations

– Highlight key issues that occur regularly

– Discuss the method of implementation of the SENDAI framework for action in Europe

– Create possibilities for peer learning between partners in Asia and the Pacific 

– Discuss recommendations and future actions we can take

We also took the opportunity to learn about virtual/remote participation tools including advanced technology such as robotics.

This took place one week before the Global Platform event on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) occurring in Cancun, Mexico.

Visi 2022-2026 m. leidiniai bendrai finansuojami ir rengiami pagal Europos Komisijos programą "Piliečiai, lygybė, teisės ir vertybės" (CERV).

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