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EUD’s CERV Programme in 2023

This year, in 2023, under the European Commission’s Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme, EUD will be working on several interesting and important activities under the themes of human rights, the UN CRPD, the EU Pillar of Social Rights, and the EU Strategy for Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030… 

Under the theme of Human Rights, EUD will be hosting:  

  • A Seminar at the General Assembly on Human Rights and Equality 
  • A workshop at the General Assembly on the Data Collection of deaf persons at national level 

We will also be publishing Policy Recommendations on Access to Healthcare for Deaf Persons in the EU. 

On the topic of the UN CRPD, EUD will be holding: 

  • A training on UN CRPD for our member organisations under review by the UN CRPD Committee this year. 

We will also be producing and disseminating a survey on the data collection on deaf persons at national level to our members – the results, evidence and statistics collected will be published on our website. 

EUD will continue its key advocacy goal – to advocate for the EU to recognise and promote all its Member States’ national sign languages at EU level! 

Under the theme of the EU Pillar of Social Rights, EUD will be holding a: 

  • Webinar on healthcare within the framework of the Pillar 
  • Training on the Pillar for our member organisations 

Finally, on the EU Disability Rights Strategy 2021-2030, EUD will be: 

  • Publishing a Policy Analysis and Recommendations for the EU Disability Card  
  • Publishing Recommendations for EU Member States on how to establish targets for increasing the employment rate of deaf persons and reducing employment rate gaps between persons with and without disabilities 
  • hosting a webinar on “the EU Disability Card: Experiences and Suggestions of the Deaf Community” for our member organisations. 

We would be delighted if you continue to follow and support our work in 2023 – stay tuned and find out more at

Visas 2022.-2026. gada publikācijas ir līdzfinansētas un sagatavotas Eiropas Komisijas programmas "Pilsoņi, vienlīdzība, tiesības un vērtības" (CERV) ietvaros.

Tomēr paustie viedokļi un uzskati ir tikai un vienīgi autora(-u) viedokļi, un tie ne vienmēr atspoguļo Eiropas Savienības vai Eiropas Komisijas CERV programmas viedokļus un uzskatus. Ne Eiropas Savienība, ne piešķīrēja iestāde par tiem nevar uzņemties atbildību.

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