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Semester van de EU - bijeenkomst met het maatschappelijk middenveld

European Semester cycle

On the 17de and the 18de of February EUD attended the seminar organised by the European Commission entitled ‘’The European Semester 2022 – exchange of views with civil society.”

The European Semester is a cycle of economic, fiscal, labour and social policy coordination within the EU. Although the European Semester was initially mainly an economic exercise, it has evolved, integrating other relevant policy fields in the process. For instance, the European Pillar of Social Rights, which sets out 20 key principles for a strong social Europe in the fields of equal opportunities, access to the labour market, fair working conditions, social protection and inclusion is being integrated in the European Semester process. Also, in December 2019, the communication from the Commission on the ‘European Green Deal’ announced the intention to integrate the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the European Semester process as well.

The Seminar presented the 2022 European Semester cycle and explored the involvement of civil society organisations. Participants also discussed in working groups on the following thematic areas: social protection of workers and in-work poverty, housing exclusion and homelessness, access to long-term care, tackling poverty and social exclusion, quality employment, ensuring a fair climate transition and quality employment.

EUD reminds that the toolkit on the European Semester and how to get involved is available on EUD website in International Sign. EUD encourages National Associations of the Deaf to use it and get involved at national.

Alle publicaties van 2022 - 2026 worden medegefinancierd door en geproduceerd in het kader van het programma Burgers, gelijkheid, rechten en waarden (CERV) van de Europese Commissie.

De opvattingen en meningen die worden geuit zijn echter uitsluitend die van de auteur(s) en komen niet noodzakelijk overeen met die van de Europese Unie of het CERV-programma van de Europese Commissie. Noch de Europese Unie, noch de steunverlenende autoriteit kunnen daarvoor verantwoordelijk worden gesteld.

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