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Ongoing negotiations on the Web Accessibility Directive


Today EUD have co-signed a letter from EDF in cooperation with its other members, about the ongoing negotiations on the EU Directive on Accessibility of Public Sector Websites, often called the Web Accessibility Directive, and the recent proposal from the Council to significantly reduce the scope of the Directive. The letter has been send to the Ministers in charge of Digital Affairs in all EU Member States, to the Chairs of National Parliament’s Committees in charge of Digital Affairs and to the Permanent Representatives of all EU Member States. With the current proposal from the Council, millions of citizens are prevented from accessing digital content and services that citizens take for granted today. The letter urges/asks that the Council and other representatives as well make a decision regarding this Directive that will ensure equal access for all to the Digital Single Market and the online public services. This is linked to equal access to information which is a human right according to the UNCRPD, which for us at EUD includes access to information in Sign Language. For us it is important that the Directive includes live audiovisual captioning at a minimum, to mention one example. 

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