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Wybory do zarządu EUD 2013


The European Union of the Deaf (EUD) will hold elections for the Board in 2013.

The President, Berglind Stefánsdóttir will step down in the General Assembly, which will be held in May in Dublin Ireland, from 18-19 May next year. All positions in the Board will be open for nominations and voted for.

We have received a number of enquiries on the election process and how to become a Board Member. Therefore, EUD would like to give you some clarifications:

  • In order to become a candidate, you must be approved by your National Deaf Association (NAD). Only EUD full Member Associations can apply for Board Membership.
  • The Board meets four times a year. In February and September in a European country that is a member of EUD. In May, in the country where EUD holds the General Assembly and in December, at the EUD office in Brussels.
  • All travel and accommodation will be covered by EUD. Your NAD does not need to pay anything.
  • The Board consists of a President, a Vice-President, and three Board Members. All candidates will be elected at the General Assembly in Dublin, Ireland.

More information about the Board elections will be available in January 2013.

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