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A EUD participa num relatório do Parlamento Europeu sobre trabalho e emprego de pessoas com deficiência

Wheelchair and the computer

No dia 23rd of September, MEP Katrin Langensiepen presented the first draft of the new report on the ‘Implementation of Council Directive 2000/78/EC establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation in light of the UN CRPD’. EUD has actively inputted the report and has provided extensive feedback to Ms. Langensiepen and her team through brainstorming meetings from the month of June until September 2020.

The Employment Equality Directive (EED) was adopted prior to the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD), which has resulted in the EED lacking important provisions set forth in the UN CRPD. Indeed, the EED, as a piece of secondary legislation, is bound by the UN CRPD. In this regard, EUD, together with other Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) and MEP Langensiepen and her team, followed a comprehensive and inclusive drafting process of the report, and agreed on the following recommendations for the EU:

  • Adopt an EU horizontal anti-discrimination directive;
  • Establish clear EU guidelines on reasonable accommodation;
  • Include intersectional and multiple discrimination in employment;
  • Ensure mutual recognition of the disability status;
  • Collect data on employment disaggregated by gender, age, types of disability, race/technic origin and sexual orientation;

A EUD aprecia profundamente a natureza aberta e colaborativa do trabalho neste relatório com a equipa da MPE Katrin Langensiepen. A EUD gostaria de salientar a importância de processos consultivos abertos, transparentes e inclusivos por parte dos Membros do Parlamento Europeu com Organizações de Pessoas com Deficiência como elemento central para garantir a plena inclusão de todas as pessoas com deficiência, tal como mandatado pelos Artigos 4(3) e 33(3) da CRPD da ONU sobre a garantia da participação de pessoas com deficiência na implementação e monitorização da Convenção.

EUD would like to personally thank MEP Katrin Langensiepen for the report.

You can access the report here:

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