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European Standard on Accessibility of the Built Environment

European Standard on Accessibility and Usability of the Built Environment

No dia 5th of October EUD attended a webinar on the new European Standard on Accessibility of the Built Environment. The webinar was organised by the European Disability Forum and ANEC, the consumer organization in standardization.

During the webinar the presenters explained that the first ever European Standard on Accessibility and Usability of the Built Environment (FprEN 17210) should be finally approval by end of October 2020.

The standard is crucial for persons with disabilities, as it aims to contribute the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) in Europe. The Standard describes basic, minimum functional requirements and recommendations for an accessible and usable built environment, following Universal Design principles which facilitates equitable and safe use for a wide range of users. It aims at ensuring that everyone, including persons with disabilities, older persons, persons with functional limitations, are able to access the outdoor and indoor built environment on equal basis with others.

EUD encourages the use of the Build Environment Standard when advocating for more and better accessibility of built environment.  

Todas as publicações de 2022 - 2026 são co-financiadas e produzidas ao abrigo do Programa Cidadãos, Igualdade, Direitos e Valores (CERV) da Comissão Europeia.

Os pontos de vista e opiniões expressos são, no entanto, apenas do(s) autor(es) e não reflectem necessariamente os da União Europeia ou do Programa CERV da Comissão Europeia. Nem a União Europeia nem a autoridade concedente podem ser responsabilizadas por elas.

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