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Reunião do Grupo de Alto Nível sobre deficiência


On 09.06.2016, EUD participated in the High Level Group disability meeting 2016 The task of this group is to monitor the latest policies and priorities of Governments concerning people with disabilities, to pool information and experience and to advice the Commission on methods for reporting in future on the EU-wide situation with regard to disability. With all 28 EU Member States’ Ministers working on disability issues in one room, we were able to discuss in depth about the European Accessibility Act. But that was not the only topic on the agenda, the current state of the UNCRPD ratification by Ireland, the Netherlands and Finland was also addressed. EUD managed to get some answers from these delegates regarding the process in their countries.

Todas as publicações de 2022 - 2026 são co-financiadas e produzidas ao abrigo do Programa Cidadãos, Igualdade, Direitos e Valores (CERV) da Comissão Europeia.

Os pontos de vista e opiniões expressos são, no entanto, apenas do(s) autor(es) e não reflectem necessariamente os da União Europeia ou do Programa CERV da Comissão Europeia. Nem a União Europeia nem a autoridade concedente podem ser responsabilizadas por elas.

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