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A 8-a sesiune UNCRPD la Geneva


EUD Executive Director, Mark Wheatley is reporting from the eighth session of the Committee on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) at the UN in Geneva. The Committee met with the governments from China, Argentina, and Hungary to ask further questions on their reports. The Committee was impressed with the sign language law in Hungary and saw a Deaf representative from Hong Kong signing about the sign language interpreter situation in Hong Kong.

EUD was represented by Humberto Insolera, EUD Board Member, EUD Executive Director, Mark Wheatley, and EUD Policy Officer Annika Pabsch. They are here to learn more about the procedures and the ways the Committee works with the governments, DPOs (Disabled People’s Organisations), and the UNCRPD. At the same time they are using the session to liaise with Committee Members and other organisations to ensure the rights of Deaf sign language users are not forgotten.

At the same time EUD urges all NADs and individuals to answer to its survey on the UN Convention to ensure we can directly give the information provided to the relevant bodies.

Deadline for EUD survey: 15 October 2012

The survey can be accessed here.

Toate publicațiile din perioada 2022 - 2026 sunt cofinanțate și realizate în cadrul Programului Cetățeni, Egalitate, Drepturi și Valori (CERV) al Comisiei Europene.

Punctele de vedere și opiniile exprimate aparțin exclusiv autorului (autorilor) și nu reflectă în mod necesar cele ale Uniunii Europene sau ale Programului CERV al Comisiei Europene. Nici Uniunea Europeană și nici autoritatea care acordă finanțarea nu pot fi considerate responsabile pentru acestea.

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