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Reuniunea Consiliului de administrație la Rovaniemi, Finlanda

Board Meeting in Rovaniemi, Finland

On the 3rd and the 4th of February, EUD had their first board meeting in 2017, which took place in Rovaniemi, Finland.

During the meeting, board and staff planned for the upcoming general assembly in May, including for the workshops and seminar that will take place as well as the EUD board elections. Moreover, staff and board discussed EUD’s policy and media plans for 2017, recent development in EUD’s ongoing and new projects on emergency service accessibility and employment for the deaf as well as other policy and research work that EUD is undertaking in 2017 on the topic of inclusive education. 

In the afternoon of our second day in Rovaniemi, the board and staff participated in a seminar, organised by the Finnish Association for the Deaf. Up to 70 Members of the deaf community in Rovaniemi and its surroundings as well as the President of the Finnish deaf association were present to follow presentations by members of the EUD board and staff on EUD’s work, inclusive education, employment and sign language recognition in the EU and the UN CRPD and the rights that it confers to persons with disabilities, including the deaf. Furthermore, it gave the board and staff the opportunity to have an animated exchange with the present members of the Finnish deaf community about their priorities, challenges and opportunities with regards to accessibility and equal rights in all areas of life.

We would like to thank the Finnish association of the deaf for welcoming and hosting us in Rovaniemi as well as for all their work organising this successful seminar.

Toate publicațiile din perioada 2022 - 2026 sunt cofinanțate și realizate în cadrul Programului Cetățeni, Egalitate, Drepturi și Valori (CERV) al Comisiei Europene.

Punctele de vedere și opiniile exprimate aparțin exclusiv autorului (autorilor) și nu reflectă în mod necesar cele ale Uniunii Europene sau ale Programului CERV al Comisiei Europene. Nici Uniunea Europeană și nici autoritatea care acordă finanțarea nu pot fi considerate responsabile pentru acestea.

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