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Prima persoană din HoH în Comitetul UNCRPD


EUD congratulates Dr László Gábor Lovászy of Hungary as the first Hard of Hearing person to be elected to the UNCRPD Committee from 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2016.

The UNCRPD Committee plays a significant role as a monitoring tool of the implementation of the UNCRPD. It is composed of 18 independent experts, who monitor implementation of the Convention by the States Parties. All States parties have to submit regular reports to the Committee on how the rights of persons with disabilities are being implemented in their country.

Dr László Gábor Lovászy is already very much aware about Deaf and sign language issues in the EU. He will ensure that the issue of Deaf people and sign language part of the deliberations in the UNCRPD committee.

Hungary also already have Deaf people elected at both national and European Parliaments.

Source: European Disability Forum (EDF)

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