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International Day of Disabilities


Today on 3 December is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

EUD is cooperating with the European Parliament and their Personnel Office and Equality and Diversity Unit and we have a stall here today.

With the stall we raise awareness to persons with disability, how to communicate with deaf persons.

Many people have been here, Members of the European Parliament and their assistants asking questions and mingling.

There was also a quiz organised which had over 250 participants, some questions on how to communicate with deaf persons for example. 44 people had all the answers correct and out of that pool three people were selected and received a prize from the Vice President of the European Parliament.

This has been a good day for networking and to show our cooperation with the European Parliament.

Toate publicațiile din perioada 2022 - 2026 sunt cofinanțate și realizate în cadrul Programului Cetățeni, Egalitate, Drepturi și Valori (CERV) al Comisiei Europene.

Punctele de vedere și opiniile exprimate aparțin exclusiv autorului (autorilor) și nu reflectă în mod necesar cele ale Uniunii Europene sau ale Programului CERV al Comisiei Europene. Nici Uniunea Europeană și nici autoritatea care acordă finanțarea nu pot fi considerate responsabile pentru acestea.

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