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Raport privind reuniunile regionale virtuale consultative ale EUD cu Asociațiile Naționale ale Surzilor din Europa în contextul pandemiei COVID-19

EUD Report

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic EUD has collected information from its member organisations National Associations of the Deaf (NADs) in 31 countries, regarding the possible violations of human rights and disproportionate effects of the pandemic for deaf persons in Europe. The information collected was compiled in the report which now provides with an overview of how COVID-19 affected deaf communities in different courtiers in Europe.

To collect information EUD carried out four virtual regional consultations in Europe in Nordic, Eastern, Western and Southern regions with its members, during which EUD has received an overview of the effects of the pandemic for the deaf communities together with good and bad practices of how to ensure equality for and inclusion of the deaf during the pandemic. During these meetings, EUD inquired NADs the following:

  • whether official information and communication was fully accessible for deaf persons throughout the outbreak of the pandemic;
  • what were the new challenges imposed by the COVID-19 crisis;
  • existing positive and negative practices;
  • new and/or additional barriers COVID-19 created for deaf persons and how this affected the rights of deaf persons. 

To find out how the COVID-19 pandemic affected deaf persons in Europe please read the EUD Report below: 

Toate publicațiile din perioada 2022 - 2026 sunt cofinanțate și realizate în cadrul Programului Cetățeni, Egalitate, Drepturi și Valori (CERV) al Comisiei Europene.

Punctele de vedere și opiniile exprimate aparțin exclusiv autorului (autorilor) și nu reflectă în mod necesar cele ale Uniunii Europene sau ale Programului CERV al Comisiei Europene. Nici Uniunea Europeană și nici autoritatea care acordă finanțarea nu pot fi considerate responsabile pentru acestea.

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