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EU Real-Time Sign Language Application


EUD is delighted to be involved in planning for a pilot project established by Ádám Kósa MEP and Werner Kuhn MEP aimed at easing the lives of one million deaf sign language users in Europe.

The goal of this project is to develop a service concept and later a technology platform and service that can be used by any deaf or hard of hearing citizen within the European Union to assist them with real-time live sign language interpretation by a certified sign language interpreter or/and a real- time captioning service in order to enable independent communication with the institutions of the European Union, such as the European Parliament or the European Commission.

EUD is deeply involved in the process to establish this project through several meetings with Ádám Kósa MEP and Werner Kuhn MEP and other partners, which is involved in this project too. We also support the two MEPs by giving our support letter and two other support letters from the Spanish Deaf Association and the Italian Deaf Association.

It is very important for the European Parliament elections during 2014 to be accessible for all.

For more information about the project, please go to Ádam Kósa MEP website tu.

Všetky publikácie z rokov 2022 - 2026 sú spolufinancované a vydané v rámci programu Európskej komisie Občania, rovnosť, práva a hodnoty (CERV).

Vyjadrené názory a stanoviská sú však len názormi autora (autorov) a nemusia nevyhnutne odrážať názory a stanoviská Európskej únie alebo programu CERV Európskej komisie. Európska únia ani orgán poskytujúci granty za ne nemôžu niesť zodpovednosť.

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