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EUD’s 33rd General Assembly in Bucharest, Romania

EUD’s 33rd General Assembly in Bucharest, Romania

On the 18th of May, EUD’s 33rd General Assembly (GA) took place in Bucharest, Romania which gathered delegates from 27 national associations of the deaf (NADs). 

The GA was an opportunity for EUD’s board members and staff to provide an overview of EUD’s work in 2018. This included a presentation of EUD’s policy work, a presentation on communication and media strategy, and the budget overview. Furthermore, EUD’s co-operative partners, EDF, EDSO, EUDY, efsli and ENSLT had a chance to highlight the importance of collaborating and working closely with EUD. 

EUD is delighted that the GA was a successful event where delegates actively participated, which led to many fruitful discussions.

EUD would like to express its appreciation to the Romanian National Association for the Deaf for their time and commitment in contributing to the success of the General Assembly.

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