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European Forum of Deaf Women


The Spanish Confederation of the Deaf (CNSE), in collaboration with FESORD CV (Federation of Deaf People of the Valencian Community) and the EUD Gender Equality Working Group is organising a European Forum of Deaf Women that will take place from the 18th to the 20th of October 2018 in Valencia, Spain. It will focus on the protection of deaf women’s rights and gender equality in Europe. 

The Forum intends to facilitate the understanding of the situation of deaf women in countries whose national associations of the deaf are EUD members. Furthermore, the gender policies that are carried out in each national association will be addressed. Its purpose will be to create networks of deaf women with the objective to facilitate the exchange of information and collaboration between national associations and EUD. It will aim at developing a work agenda for the defence of the rights of deaf women in Europe as well as the inclusion of the gender perspective in the framework of EUD’s work. The objective is for each national member association to nominate 2 deaf women as representatives. The Forum will take place on the 18th and 19th of October and will end on the 20th of October with a European conference on deaf women’s rights and gender equality. The conference will be open to the public.

For more information, please contact: [email protected]

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