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Stretnutie Aliancie pre inkluzívnu mobilitu

Disability Education

On the 3rd of March EUD attended Inclusive Mobility Alliance meeting at the European Disability Forum. The Inclusive Mobility Alliance (IMA) is an alliance of 21 organisations and European networks, representing three different fields: Higher Education mobility, Youth mobility and Disability. As stated in the Inclusive Mobility Alliance Declaration, the IMA partners stand for full inclusion in mobility and an inclusive Erasmus+ programme. This was the first time EUD attended the meeting.

During the meeting, different gather partners from different fields with a common interest around the topic of Inclusive Mobility gathered to discuss the latest updates regarding the new Erasmus + Programme. Future advocacy actions were also discussed.

Continuation of advocacy towards an inclusive Erasmus + for the next programming period (2021 – 2027) is crucially important for EUD. EUD will continue collaborating with the relevant stakeholders and partners and will continue advocating for more inclusive and accessible Erasmus + for deaf students.

Všetky publikácie z rokov 2022 - 2026 sú spolufinancované a vydané v rámci programu Európskej komisie Občania, rovnosť, práva a hodnoty (CERV).

Vyjadrené názory a stanoviská sú však len názormi autora (autorov) a nemusia nevyhnutne odrážať názory a stanoviská Európskej únie alebo programu CERV Európskej komisie. Európska únia ani orgán poskytujúci granty za ne nemôžu niesť zodpovednosť.

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