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Meet your MEP: Dieter-Lebrecht Koch

In this month’s ‘Meet your MEP’, EUD Communication & Media Officer Lars Knudsen interviews MEP Dieter-Lebrecht Koch from Germany. He is a member of the European People’s Party in the European Parliament. He is also member of the Transport Committee at the European Parliament.

MEP Cabrnoch answered questions from Lars Knudsen about transport accessibility for Deaf people in the EU, his work in the Disability Intergroup and his relationship to a local Deaf association in Germany.

For more information about MEP Dieter-Lebrecht Koch, please go to his stránka.

German subtitles of this interview can be found here. 

International Sign Interpreter: Maya de Wit, the Netherlands.

Všetky publikácie z rokov 2022 - 2026 sú spolufinancované a vydané v rámci programu Európskej komisie Občania, rovnosť, práva a hodnoty (CERV).

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