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Stretnutie s Marianne Thyssenovou, komisárkou pre zamestnanosť, sociálne záležitosti a začlenenie

On 25 April 2016, our Executive Director, Mark Wheatley met with Marianne Thyssen who is the European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility.

This was an opportunity to give Commissioner Thyssen a personal copy of the latest publication from EUD concerning the UNCRPD through a Deaf perspective. The book addresses Article 33: National Implementation and Monitoring. 

The meeting took place at the Commissioners office, which is in the Berlaymont building in Brussels, Belgium. This building is the headquarters of the European Commission, which is the executive arm of the European Union. 

While there, Mark Wheatley took the opportunity to address EUD’s interests regarding the European Accessibility Act and discussed ways EUD could be involved in lobbying efforts regarding the draft directive within the European Parliament. 

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