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Cesta do Addisu: Lead2Connect

On the 22nd June 2021, the UN specialised agency for ICTs, the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), hosted a webinar “Lead2Connect: Redefining leadership and its role in connecting the unconnected.” The session focused on leadership as a driving force to achieve digital transformation and universal connectivity.

The webinar focused on key questions such as what constitutes a great leader, and what are the skills required from the leader of the future? and what kind of leadership is needed to enable the digital transformation of an entire planet? Each of the panellists was unified in the belief that being inclusive was necessary to lead. Having various perspectives would create a powerful dynamic in the organisation, industry, country and the world.  

The event provided a variety of styles  of leadership being able to connect with the unconnected, those who lack digital accessibility. Moreover, the speakers presented the much needed qualities of trust, respect, confidence to navigate through uncertainty. The event highlighted the need to put people first but also to transform, to dream, to empower and to inspire others.  EUD seeks to empower others especially those who deaf and hard of hearing through recognition of sign language and communication.

Všetky publikácie z rokov 2022 - 2026 sú spolufinancované a vydané v rámci programu Európskej komisie Občania, rovnosť, práva a hodnoty (CERV).

Vyjadrené názory a stanoviská sú však len názormi autora (autorov) a nemusia nevyhnutne odrážať názory a stanoviská Európskej únie alebo programu CERV Európskej komisie. Európska únia ani orgán poskytujúci granty za ne nemôžu niesť zodpovednosť.

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