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  • Kontakt

Watch EUD Executive Director Mark Wheatley sign about the 7th session of the UNCRPD Committee in Geneva, Switzerland. Both Mark Wheatley and EUD Policy Officer Annika Pabsch are currently attending the session in Geneva as representatives of both the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) and EUD. 

EUD are observing the session in order to be able to better understand the reporting process to ensure the Convention is implemented at European level. This session focussed on Peru and EUD was able to follow questions and presentations by the Committee and State representatives. EUD also attended many meetings on accessibility and workshops organised by IDA, the International Disability Alliance. 

For more information on the session go to:

If you want to find out more about WFD you can check their website at:

The full text of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities can be found here: 

Information about IDA can be found here:


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