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Aktualizácia UNCRPD


Past this week, there were two UNCRPD related events for EUD to participate in:

14 October

EDF and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Brussels organised a workshop for countries that will shortly front the UN CRPD Committee, entitled “Strengthening Engagement with the UN CPRD Committee”. Lithuania, Portugal, Serbia, and Slovakia will go before the UN CRPD Committee at the 15th session and Italy at the 16th session, in Geneva. Humberto Insolera represented the Italian Deaf Association and Frederik Olsen represented EUD. A very informative day, participants were very positive about the training.

15 October

The Petitions Committee of the European Parliament conducted a public hearing today. The theme was: “Protection of the Rights of People with Disabilities, from the perspective of petitions received”. Numerous panellists included representatives from: the European Ombudsman, the European Fundamental Rights Agency, EDF, The European Commission, the UN CRPD Committee (Member), academia, DPO’s, and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and interventions from a number of MEPs. Many topics were discussed. A lot is going on in Brussels and we will keep you all up to date as and when they occur.

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