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WEBINAR: Data Collection on Deaf Persons in the EU

WEBINAR: Data Collection on Deaf Persons in the EU

There is a growing global dialogue on the importance of data on persons with disabilities. In order to progress towards an open, fair, and inclusive society for all persons, including persons with disabilities, there is a pressing need for data collection and disaggregation by disability. Although there is momentum towards more data collection in the EU, further efforts are needed in order to develop and mainstream evidence-based approaches to disability advocacy, and policymaking. High-quality and reliable disability data are needed to understand the real situation of persons with disabilities in order to identify gaps that are not addressed through policies.

Currently, in the EU there are no exact statistics on people with different types of disabilities. This, for instance, does not allow us to know how many people with different disabilities are not in the labour market or education. A lack of data can be a large obstacle in disability inclusive policymaking and programming. It also increases marginalisation and failure to address the challenges and discrimination encountered by persons with disabilities. Reliable, correct and robust data, disaggregated by disability type, is necessary for building an argument for inclusion of each disability group in the EU. It is essential for advocacy as it enables Disabled Persons organisations to make comparisons between persons with disabilities and persons without disabilities, and thus identify inequalities.

In this webinar, EUD would like to highlight the importance of the collection of EU-level data, disaggregated by disability type, which would play an important role supporting evidence-based advocacy, and policymaking. Specifically, there will be a focus on the deaf community, in terms of the barriers faced, providing examples of the types of data that are required but also how to go about this, as well practical examples provided.

This webinar will be available in International Sign and spoken English. It will also provide live captioning in English.

Všetky publikácie z rokov 2022 - 2026 sú spolufinancované a vydané v rámci programu Európskej komisie Občania, rovnosť, práva a hodnoty (CERV).

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