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Boklansering av den andra UNCRPD-serien

On 6 May 2015, MEP Helga Stevens hosted EUD`s second print of the UNCRPD series. The second book, UNCRPD Implementation In Europe – A Deaf Perspective, Article 27: Work and Employment by Annika Pabsch and Petra Söderqvist.

This second book in the series focuses in particular on article 27 of the Convention. Work and employment are explored from various angles, including the right to reasonable accommodation, as well as labour and trade union rights.

We would like to say thanks to the MEPs who have attended the event. Also we would like to share our appreciation to the authors, Annika Pabsch and Petra Söderqvist, and especially to the other contributions from the European Commission, the European Disability Forum, the Social Platform, European Trade Union Confederation, EASPD, CBM, EUDY, the companies Funka and Danish Crown, researchers from the National University of Ireland, Galway and representatives from National Associations of the Deaf.

Alla publikationer från 2022-2026 samfinansieras av och produceras inom ramen för Europeiska kommissionens program för medborgare, jämlikhet, rättigheter och värderingar (CERV).

De åsikter som uttrycks är dock endast författarnas och återspeglar inte nödvändigtvis Europeiska unionens eller Europeiska kommissionens CERV-programs åsikter. Varken Europeiska unionen eller den beviljande myndigheten kan hållas ansvariga för dem.

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