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  • Kontakta

CRPD Review on EU


EUD are here in Geneva, Switzerland, to follow the EU review of the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, UNCRPD. This is the first UN Convention signed and ratified by the EU and this is the first time the EU is up for review in front of the Committee so this is important.

The EU ratified the Convention in 2010. Earlier this year the EU submitted their report explaining what they have done and how they are working to implement the Convention. At the same time European Disability Forum, EDF, in cooperation with us at EUD and other disability organisations submitted an alternative report describing how we see the implementation of the Convention at EU level.

Earlier in April this year, the EU had it’s first pre-review when members of the Committee asked questions and commented on what was not clear in the report. Now we are here in Geneva for the constructive dialogue, when the EU will explain more of their work and the Committee will ask more questions.

The review takes place during two days, today and tomorrow. We at EUD are here together with the European Disability Forum, EDF, and other disability organisations, to monitor the review.

Today the day started with EDF, including us EUD and other organisations, organising a side event where we invited the UNCRPD Committee members to share our view of the implementation of the Convention from our perspective from a disability organisations’ perspective. During the side event, EUD, got to answer questions about sign language, freedom of movement and data collection. It is important that every EU member state and the EU recognises sign language and that deaf persons have the right to sign language interpreter when moving to another EU country for work or studies, to have the same rights as hearing people.

Alla publikationer från 2022-2026 samfinansieras av och produceras inom ramen för Europeiska kommissionens program för medborgare, jämlikhet, rättigheter och värderingar (CERV).

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