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Deafness Platform Meeting 19th June 2013

On 19 June 2013 the European Platform on Deafness, Hard of Hearing, and Deafblindness met to discuss the recent developments regarding the Board within the European Disability Forum.

Putting the EDF election aside, focussed on details regarding the recent developments of the European Disability Forum (EDF) Board Elections and the strategy regarding the draft European Accessibility Act, which will be released by the Commission this September. After unanimous agreement that the Platform will priortise this matter and to do their upmost efforts to ensure the recommendations will make a difference especially for the rights of d/Deaf, Hard of Hearing, deafened, and Deafblind people and also for their families.

The platform meeting normally takes place every six months.

If you want to know the history about the European Platform on Deafness, Hard of Hearing, and Deafblindness, please click here.

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