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EDF’s Annual General Assembly in Vilnius, Lithuania

EDF's Annual General Assembly in Vilnius, Lithuania

On the 26th of May, the European Disability Forum (EDF) hosted their Annual General Assembly in Vilnius, Lithuania. Board member of EUD Louise ‘Lolo’ Danielsson attended this event. 

She took the opportunity to interact with one of the members of the EDF Executive Committee Humberto Insolera, who is the former Vice-President of EUD. Dr Insolera chaired a debate focusing on the Web Accessibility Directive.

The Web Accessibility Directive is now adopted, but its implementation has not yet been discussed. This was the opportunity for us, EUD, to discuss in depth the methodology of implementation, especially considering the access to technological services. This workshop also gave us a better understanding of how to use the toolkit on Web Accessibility Directive prepared by EDF.

The toolkit is now available on EDF’s website for the public to use. It is a useful instrument that explains what the Directive covers, what are the key provisions (scope, accessibility requirements, exemptions, enforcement, monitoring, etc.) and suggests what needs to be done at national level to ensure the best possible implementation.

You can find the conference on the Web Accessibility Directive on:


EDF Toolkit on the Web Accessibility Directive

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